Room Layout:
During Early Childhood, between birth and five years of age, children move through an enormous period of growth, change and development. Their needs and abilities vary considerably and much focus is placed on children achieving developmental milestones for their age, gaining and mastering their physical skills, and developing intellectual skills that they will use throughout their lives.
Research shows that the experiences and interactions children have in their first five years of life, are pivotal in laying the foundations for future positive learning and becoming happy productive members of society.
For these reasons, we have designed our room layouts to accommodate these age and stage differences in order to truly offer a more individualised style of care and education for your child. While we do have periods of the day dedicated to family grouping (mixed age groupings), our five rooms are designed to cater for a one year age range in order to truly program for the diversity in children’s milestone development and accommodate individual needs and preferences.
Name of Class | Age Range |
Number of Children |
Regulations Ratio | Regand Park ECEC Ratios |
Infants | Birth to 1.5 | 12 | 1 Educator per 4 Infants | 4 educators |
Babies | 1-2 | 12 | 1 Educator per 4 Babies | 4 educators |
Toddlers | 2-3 | 23 | 1 Educator per 5 Toddlers | 5 educators |
Junior Preschool | 3-4 | 20 | 1 Educator per 10 Preschoolers |
3 educators |
Senior Preschool | 4-5 | 20 | 1 Educator per 10 Preschoolers | 3 educators |
Total | 5 rooms | 87 |
Early Childhood Regulations require us to hire 15 Educators |
Here at Regand Park ECEC we also have a dedicated Creative and Community Educator and an Environmental Educator who spend time in each of our rooms each week (covering all sessions), a non teaching director, chef, & 2 part time clerical assistants. We employ 28 Educators and staff in total with 24 each day to care and educate your child |
The Classrooms
The learning environments at Regand Park ECEC have been specifically designed by experienced Early Childhood Professionals to provide children with imaginative play and educational experiences, in a natural, home-like environment. Each classroom is designed and setup according to the age of the children and the milestones associated with that age. Our Infants and Babies classrooms have two sleep areas per room to help align with individuals routine. While our Toddler, Junior Preschool and Senior Preschool classrooms are set with designated learning areas to enhance skill development and make learning fun.
Outdoor Enviroments
Our Outdoor Environments in the big yard are well equipped and designed . We have a bike track, dry creek bed with manual water pump, sandpit, swings, soft-fall area, boat, bridges, bikes, trikes, balance beams, veggie patch, bench chairs, natural table setting, and a garden maze.
The children have opportunities to engage in activities that are ‘uniquely outdoors’; incorporate ‘loose parts’ to promote children’s creativity and imagination; participate in ‘real’ experiences to care for the natural environment; and involve ‘risk taking’ to provide children with opportunities to become confident, capable and resourceful learners. Our children enjoy their time outdoors and we also provide additional resources for them to utilise.
Our Outdoor Environments in our small yard are secured to prevent risk of injury from larger children playing in the area. This environment consists of a large deck area, standing sandpit, gazebo and a fantastic range of resources to access during time outdoors.